meital Conference international track

Prof. Diana Laurillard
University College London

Teachers as Design Scientists

Keynote Lecture

9:30 - 08:40

B1: international 1  

12:35 - 11:15


Podcast From Student Accessibility to Institution Connectivity
Towards a Love.Dist@nce model for EAP
Inclusion and Accessibility of Online Courses: lessons learned from online learning of marginalized societies
Academic Staff Readiness for Technology Enhanced Learning: Changes in Higher Education
Adapting online learning to cultural diversity
Students’ Learning Support System and the findings so far

Equity, Accessibility to and Democratization of Higher Education via Online Courses.


C1: international 2  

15:45 - 14:25

Developing Entrepreneurship in an International and Interdisciplinary Learning Environment amidst Covid19

Teachers meet Architects: Designing learning environments and spaces in an interdisciplinary and international collaboratio
Technology–based teaching, Fashion Design, Sustainability, and Internationalism
גלילה לראש העמוד

Equity, Accessibility to and Democratization of Higher Education via Online Courses.
The LOVE.DIST@NCE Project  

כיתה 1

Dr. Angelo Jesus,P.PORTO, Portugal – Project coordinator;

Dr. Ofer Zellermayer and Dr. Yaniv Gvili,

Ono Academic College
Podcast From Student Accessibility to Institution Connectivity;

Dr. Thomas Prola,
Inclusion and Accessibility of Online Courses: lessons learned from online learning of marginalized societies;

Dr. Giga Khositashvili, Ilia state university, Georgia
Academic Staff Readiness for Technology Enhanced Learning: Changes in Higher Education;

Dr. Tamar Shohar Gueta and Dr. Sharon Hardof, Levinsky-Wingate Academic college
Adapting online learning to cultural diversity;

Prof. Tsipi Heart, Eyal Laifer, Ono Academic College
Students’ Learning Support System and the findings so far;
Dr. Gal Manor, Levinsky-Wingate Academic College Towards A Love Distance Model For EAP

Eli Shmueli,

LOVE.DIST@NCE - Action targeted of the project are Equity, Accessibility and Democratization of Higher Education Aims and Objectives of the Project Promote inclusive education in Israel and Georgia by widening access to higher education for potential and existing students from vulnerable groups, religious and ethnic minorities, refugees, student-workers, and students living at peripheral/distant/rural areas.
Following 3-Years Activity Of The LOVE.DIST@NCE Project, We Present The Project Outcomes: Online Courses, Share Contents, Models, Practices, And Experiences Of Our Project Partners From Portugal, Spain, Poland, Georgia, And The Israeli Participants Ono Academic College, Academic College Levinsky-Wingate And MEITAL.   

Developing Entrepreneurship in an International and Interdisciplinary Learning Environment amidst Covid19

כיתה 1

The project design included two tasks allowing each student to express their feelings and thoughts in diverse creative ways, in multicultural groups and to develop an educational entrepreneurial initiative. Research goals aimed at identifying students' perceptions of entrepreneurial thinking and characterizing the learning environment that supports this. The results strengthen the contribution of the project to developing the participants' early entrepreneurial thinking and attest to the role that the learning environment played in it.
The Covid19-pandemic presented challenges and opportunities for students' learning worldwide and changed the way students study. Transition into online learning was challenging for students across different countries. An international interdisciplinary learning environment was designed to bridge the distance, address students' socio-emotional needs and develop entrepreneurial thinking, a skill needed in times of uncertainty. Twenty-four education students from two countries took part in six online sessions.

Teachers meet Architects: Designing learning environments and spaces in an interdisciplinary and international collaboration

Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and Arts

Gdańsk University of Technology

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Currently, teachers' involvement in space design is limited, and there is a lack of theoretical and pedagogical knowledge concerning suitable activities for these spaces. Furthermore, architects and architecture students possess limited pedagogical understanding of educational contexts. These gaps in knowledge make fruitful dialogue and outcomes challenging when planning learning spaces. In a master's degree academic course, we initiated a unique collaboration between Israeli and Polish students, focusing on the design of learning environments that meet educational needs. The course employed project-based learning (PBL) to foster prolonged active and inquisitive learning. The Miro platform and hybrid learning approaches were utilized as part of the learning design. In this presentation, we share insights from two perspectives, namely, the architectural and educational, regarding the considerations involved in developing this distinctive course. We also provide an overview of the students' outcomes. Additionally, we present preliminary research findings on how participation in an international and interdisciplinary multi-modal hybrid course has contributed to the students and explore the characteristics of the learning design that supported it.

Designing learning environments and spaces that foster active learning is a prominent topic in both higher education and schools. This shift signifies a move away from content-centered classrooms and frontal teaching towards student-centered learning processes characterized by dynamism (Hod, 2017). Apart from pedagogical-technological and content knowledge, considerations related to space are crucial in learning design (TpeCS; Kali et al., 2019). A well-designed learning environment plays a vital role in facilitating effective learning processes (Salomon, 2000). This encompasses the planning of activities, relating to the physical space design, and the elements that support learning within a specific context. Teacher education regarding active and future learning spaces, as well as learning environment design, is still in its early stages due to the recent establishment of such spaces in schools. Consequently, there is an increasing emphasis on familiarizing teachers with learning spaces through professional development programs (Gil, forthcoming).

Technology-based teaching, Fashion Design, Sustainability, and Internationalism

מכללת שנקר לעיצוב והנדסה

כיתה 1

The integration of technology takes an integral part in the course, both due to the nature of the lessons- online zoom sessions, and the design-practice itself which is conducted via the CLO 3D software and a Miro board. The course is offered to ESITH Morocco, FAD Dubai and Shenkar, Israel in the aim of increasing the awareness of sustainable global fashion inter-culturally and internationally. This will allow to create a balance between the industry, the environment, and different communities and encourage change in the fashion industry, with innovative, technology-based art and design.   

In recent years, there has been a greater need for the integration of technology in higher education. The Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns, along with sustainability factors and advancement in the technological arena have created an inevitable change in the higher education arena. Sustainability wise, as the fashion industry is the second largest source (2nd to the oil industry) of environmental pollution, Shenkar College has launched a digital fashion-design course called ZERO WASTE, an EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) course which is supported by the US embassy Jerusalem and is conducted in the spirit of the Abraham Accords.